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 absolute       Fixes at Absolute Address
 and            Logical and Integer Operator AND
 array          Declares an Array (List of Variables)
 begin          Signals Start of Compound Statement
 case           Signals the Start of a CASE Statement
 const          Starts a Set of Constant Declarations
 div            Integer Division Operator
 do             Action Indicator for WHILE, FOR, WITH Statements
 downto         Allows FOR Loops to Count Backward
 else           Optional Clause in an IF/THEN or CASE Statement
 end            Signals Close of Compound, CASE Statements, Records
 external       Declares Assembly Language Procedure or Function
 file           Data Type for Declaring Data Files
 for            Signals the Start of a FOR Loop
 forward        Subprogram Modifier for Forward Declarations
 function       Declares a Function (Subprogram Returning a Value)
 goto           Jumps to a Specified Label
 inline         Signals the Start of Inline Machine Language
 if             Signals the Start of an IF/THEN/ELSE Statement
 in             Special Operator for Testing Set Membership
 label          Declares a List of Labels
 mod            Modulus (Remainder) Operator for Integer Values
 NIL            Predefined Value for an Undirected Pointer
 not            Logical and Bitwise Unary Complement Operator
 overlay        Declares a Subprogram as Belonging to an Overlay
 of             Keyword Defining Base Type for Arrays and Sets
 or             Logical and Bitwise Operator OR
 packed         Data Type Modifier to Request Packed Data Structures
 procedure      Declares a Procedure
 program        Declares a Program
 record         Declares a Record (Group of Variables)
 repeat         Signals the Start of a REPEAT Loop
 set            Declares a Set Variable or Type
 shl            Bitwise Left-Shift Integer Operator
 shr            Bitwise Right-Shift Integer Operator
 string         Declares a Character String (Array of Char)
 then           Starts Conditional Clause of IF/THEN Statement
 type           Signals the Start of a Set of Type Declarations
 to             Allows FOR Loops to Count Forward
 until          Defines the Termination Condition of a REPEAT Loop
 var            Signals the Start of a Set of Variable Declarations
 while          Signals the Start of a WHILE Loop
 with           Signals the Start of a WITH Statement
 xor            Logical and Integer Operator XOR (Exclusive OR)

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson